New Media Arts and Education Organisations
Here are some links to media arts organisations, both international and national as well as educational organisations:
New Media Based Art and Educational Organisations, Groups, Conferences, Labs:
ASCI (Art & Science Collaboration)
Cadre Laboratory for New MediaCenter for Advanced Visual Studies MIT
Center for Arts Management and Technology
Centre for Media Arts Innovation (University of Technology Sydney)
Epistemology and Learning Group MIT
European Cultural Blogging Map
European Media Art Festval Osnabrueck
Eyebeam Art + Technology Center
IMAS Centre for Media Culture
InSEA Europe
Institute for Distributed Creativity
Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems University
of Lubeck
International School of Digital Transformation
ISNM International School of New Media
Knowledge Media Design institute
KuBiM Cultural Education in the Media Age
MARCEL Multimedia Art Research Centres and Electronic Laboratories
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Mediateca (Media Art Space)
NMC (The New Media Consortium)
Second European Congress on Media Literacy
Sociable Media Group, MIT
Tangible Media Group, MIT
The European Charter for Media Literacy
The Intercommunication Center (ICC)
The Internet as Playground and FactoryThe Kitchen
V2_Virtual Worlds – Best Practices in Education
YLEM (Artists Using Art and Technology)
Art Science Technology Research Centers:
artsactive (international
network of art/tech/industry experiments)
Center for Experimental Media Arts
Tertiary Education Organisations:
ACER The Australian Council for Rducational Research
ALTC Australian Learning and Teaching Council (formerly Carrick Institute)
ATLC Exchange
ATN Australian Technology Network of Universities
AUQA The Australian Universities Quality Agency
Australian Tertiary Academic Development Units – Internet sites
Centre for the Study of Higher Education University of Melbourne
CL Curriculum Leadership
HEFCE Centres of Excellence for Teaching and Learning
DEST (Department of Education, Science and Training)
EDNA Education Network Australia
Education Outlook Australia 2009
EDUCAUSE (Transforming Education Through Information Technologies)
European Commission Education and Training
HERDSA (Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia)
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
ICDL – International Centre for Distance Learning
links to DEST reports
NAEA National Education Association
NCODE – Flexible Learning Australasia (Resources for Flexible Learning)
OTL listings of conferences and organizations
SEDA Staff and Education Development Association
Teaching Research Nexus on ALTC Exchange
The Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA)
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR)
the NODE Learning Technologies Network
The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (OBHE)