MEETING 15.10.97  



In the era of electronic communication, the quotidien activity of the image that illustrates and the sentence that comments has been disrupted by similitude - an uncanny and paradoxical repetition propelled by the velocity at which the world of things recedes from the grasp of the sign.[1]

if the original is a scan and digital

the original disappears

the shift from meaning to pattern recognition

you can no longer make meaning

it is how it hits the body

meaning is in the discursive frame

slightly that which is before meaning

intelligent agents

people are meaning making machines

imbue meaning in selection

cope with the complexity through pattern recognition

make sense of all that information

this way of looking at images is the meaning

survival for meaning

data has not come in

The purpose of the diagram is to map the historical orginisation of power that reproduces itself in these phenomena and in doing to facilitate understanding of both the functioning of power and strategies of resistance.[2]

your programming

your programmed to look at certain imagery

soon as something is in existence it is in language

how tacit knowledge operates

the mind works at a faster rate than it ever had

model of the world is constantly being refined

the brain can never be filled up

dominance of language

the strategies of resistance

it has to change you have to use it

there is a pause before you can integrate

whether you take into account the lay of the land

where things get collapsed back

republic and getting an identity

its just a stepping stone

being here for a long time you resit change

ours is a quotidian

in fact it is not the grand vision it is the every week doing of it

how do you deal with the hegemonic structure

by creating local pockets of resistance

revolutionary speaking

it starts in little groups like this

justify yourselves


1. D.N. Rodowick, Reading the Figural Camera Obscura 24 (1991): 10-45

2. Ibid

22.10.97 / 29.10.97 / 5.11.97



Terminus = Paul Thomas David Carson Brian Mckay Barbara Bolt Theo koning

Rina Franz Stelarc Penny Coss Alex Spremberg




