MEETING 10.12.97  


Terminus= says, "we should make this the subject of a meeting (brit art)

Terminus= says, "he phenomena of damian hurts with liam galagher

Terminus= says, "We are trying to do this paper in two weeks

Terminus= says, "nature and culture

Terminus= says, "defining what was real

Terminus= says, "reading the last paragraph

Terminus= says, "we need to fight back

Terminus= says, "the goal of technology is to improve on nature

Terminus= says, "he is suggesting there is a thing outside of the body

Terminus= says, "linking the reality to nature

Terminus= says, "if there is no reality why are we here

Terminus= says, "such thing as the real just human interaction

Terminus= says, "reality to the environment

Terminus= says, "real are things that we can feel and touch

Terminus= says, "were people wanted to feel closer to god you climb a mountain

Terminus= says, "seperated from nature

Terminus= says, "how do we communicate about glassness

Terminus= says, "coexistance myths of the land are still being talked about

Terminus= says, "a matter of letting go of something

Terminus= says, "believe in a myth 

Terminus= says, "we are con it to this from birth

Terminus= says, "outside reality a meta narrative

Terminus= says, "believing in justise

Terminus= says, "just be good

Terminus= says, "months we have been arguing this and this paper is addressing this

Terminus= says, "not because man is outside nature

Terminus= says, "the argument that man has to dominate the enviroment

Terminus= says, "aboriginals did control burns time

Terminus= says, "not all the time 

Terminus= says, "one of the reason that this rupture took place was that culture that was coming out of germany after the holocast was not addressed

Terminus= says, "we are the animals

Terminus= says, "culture does not make you more humane

Terminus= says, "goering collected art

Terminus= says, "culture will lift people from there relations to animals

Terminus= says, "seperatist argument is that cyberspace is taking us away for human nature. 

Terminus= says, "cyberspace is an aspect of human nature

Terminus= says, "there is a price to pay every device we have can take us future away from ourself

Terminus= says, "I need to have both of these things I can enjoy the artifical

Meta_Guest says, "its all we have aver learn't until postmodern started to pull down meta narratives"

Terminus= says, "connection between fictional world of cyber space and the stories of the pre primitives. culture being in the head

Meta_Guest says, "so genetic memory is impossible?""

missionaries had a meta narrative 

Terminus= says, "postmoderism has a mulittude of narratives"

and look at the damge they did to cultures and environments

Terminus= says, "exactly

Terminus= says, "survival and questions

Terminus= says, "various models 

Terminus= says, "plausibe models 

Terminus= says, "perception coming to terms with the enviroment"

Meta_Guest says, "poosible models[A[C[Als"

Terminus= says, "what is aca?

Terminus= says, "reality is different

Meta_Guest says, "sorry spelling mistakes "

Meta_Guest says, "jesus someone knows what reality is! "

Terminus= says, "we can reflect we can come up with answers

Terminus= says, "reality being different for everyone

Meta_Guest says, "we can reflect we can come up with questions"

Meta_Guest says, "thats exactly my point"

Terminus= says, "culture developing amongst people stopping being nomads

Terminus= says, "the inevitablity of techology"

Terminus= says, "we cant turn it off"

Meta_Guest says, "we need technology like we need nature"

Terminus= says, "we are all still tribal"

"Meta_Guest says, "we are all still sticking around those people which make us sociallogically comfortable"

Meta_Guest says, "we don't such meta narratives too unite us"

Terminus= says, "we dont need a meta narrative to unite us?

Meta_Guest says, "thats what I said sought off"

Terminus= says, "what is our conclusion

Terminus= says, "we have another week with this paper

Terminus= says, "we have to get away from that everthing that is organic is nice

Terminus= says, "anti separist argurment

Terminus= says, "we are complicit with nature

Meta_Guest says, "that meta narratives are dangerous and should be approached with caution if we are to use them then perhaps we should learn with the tools of postmodernism ie multiples of possibility and optins so that we may see the dangers which lay hidden in all metanarratives such as postmodernism"

Meta_Guest says, " that last bit should have been metanarratives of modernism "

Terminus= says, "the further you get way from nature the less come in

Terminus= says, "most people who write about nature live in the city

Meta_Guest says, "isn't nature a meta narrative?"

Meta_Guest says, "we are all still sticking around those people which make us sociallogically comfortable"

Meta_Guest says, "we don't such meta narratives too unite us"


Editor's note: you should all read Donna Haraway and Bruno Latour on the social construction of nature!





Terminus = Paul Thomas Mark Cypher David Carson Tony lusk Alex Spremberg Tim Burns Karen Melzach




