Where are we now that we are going live
Is this stuff relevant
this is the first month up on the net
a criticism...where does the quote come from
says so on the site
start anywhere
hi we have an abridged version of the paper from the first installation on the web....a concern with speed
we are so stressed by avante garde pretensions..artists as ethnographer, anthropologist...invisible things of speed are shown by Marey which is seen in Bacon's work...decomposition of images
the subject without place, the nomad into the fray.
why are we doing this
people have gone to the site and can't make any sense of it
i think you have to exercise your intellect. people outside don't have the same reference...if you have an education you can make sense of it
the thing that is important is to find out what fellow artists are discussing...key concept..there is something not readable in everything..processes of inclusion and exclusion is at work in the construction of people and art history. when you are traumatised because there are two many decisions to make, then the loss of subjectivity is a problem.. What Francis Bacon and Lucien Frued are doing are bringing to the viewer the intensification of the real...Painting is a tactile experience bacon took a photographic experience and put the visceral experience into the painting. In many ways that the thing that is wide open...you can make a simulated surface..
can the avante garde be out of date
the avante garde can't be out of date
but the avante garde is so caught up with modernism...the avante garde doesn't
have a place
have you seen the site with the longest continuous sentence
it is stream of consciousness
the pattern of communication - what is selected gives it a particular quality..the paper is a global paper and now it is having a local reading which affects...there is an interaction
i've been trying to elicit a response from people who have been to the site..they don't know what is going on. it is like a private language..the image of overhearing a conversation in a pub
since we are going over the web are we morally obligated to make sense.
What is it there for...am I hiding behind a smoke screen. Do we want to communicate or don't we?
Like Warhol's work, it doesn't necessarily mean something
we are going out on the world stage
who is our audience
terminus= is connected...if you do a search for any cultural studies topics, you will come across terminus
we have never really evaluated what has gone up
i like it because it is the way i write...it fires interesting short sentences like the style
i think what comes out is interesting...architecture makes subjectivity..
it is a form of poetry...
food is the landscape of tables...phil collier
is the work self referential or does it exist outside of itself
the role of editing
people there ...noise in time zone...but people want to reconnect..Power institute- most things are screen based...when collapse of boundaries between self and others -significant shift...how we devalued things through reproduction simulated
book..broadcasting as opposed the broadgathering..how does this change the way we think about practice..just do it...Benetton...questions of whether I am an auto-matic pilot...there are no hight morality dealing in an art forum..new ideas are being used up there is no longer a ten year gap...lose of subjectivity and mimicry...is there a need to pin down the discussion specifically to a media..would you buy a car from a photograph or would you want to see the car...its not the real thing digitisation can only go so far - it has its possibilities
and limitations
what i want to do with this. Coverage are looking for papers..this is what is it is about.
i want to send it from terminus
i think it needs to be edited
what we said right at the beginning
certain worlds misconstrue the meaning
do we go with the poetical thing or do we bring it back to a grammatical sense
this was a test
do we need to be consistent about whether we use capitals
everything has no caps and flows...quotes need to be properly done
do we have to quote our sources
in conversation you don't quote your sources
in a collage you don't have to refer to sources
when you use a paper you have to acknowledge it
this reads as the state of things as they are
in trying to define this new space we are trying to find this new space
you sound as if we can step outside
as long as its predicated in some way...explained what this thing is about then that is fair comments
it needs a contextualization
it needs some judicious editing, but i wouldn't want the flavour to change too much. i want to send it over...i'd love to go to Luton and do a reading
what of recycling it
the hybridity and recycling it
the subjective traces of different voices in the hybriditiy
an articulata
what say...we
barbara does the prefacing...the original...edit
any reference to bodies gets effaced
i think you are a discourse freak
who are we doing this for?
the students think its all bullshit






E-Mail: p.thomas@curtin.edu.au
