

What was interesting was ability to ground the work in postmodern theory.

There is no way to engage in all the information

The problem is engaging human attention.

Trying to maintain maleness

As soon as something has an origin the meaning is usurped.

People around being paranoid of using computers now it is different.

Ludites recognise the use of computers.

Pattern and randomness.

To work from a pattern is not particularly creative there has to be randomness.

Randomness is about putting something in motion you can't stop it.

Randomness takes on chaos theory things can happen.

There is a random pattern to how the species evolved.

Then we fetishise it.

Matter and anti-matter.

We have always had a deluded narrative of the world.

Our whole existence is based on repetition.

This is how we learn to recognise the architecture of existence.

How do we resist institutions.

By bludgeoning oneself like it is a motif.

Concentration is less when surrounded by people

Larger consciousness.

One could contest that time.

It is a comfortable place.

Mind is expanded.

Now the mind can be interneted then you can move from here to anyway.

Isolation is a dead argument.

Corporate assault on the world.

People are conditioned.

There is the opportunity for work that has not form of creativity.

If I watch TV you can get a better understanding.

Do we need a large cultural context.

We have direct access to knowledge.

What do you do if the message is coded.

It would shunt you in to an isolationist position.

Transcend a traditional practice.

Go with the mouse.

Communicate teaching as an act of faith.

Not as an act of Genes.

No sense of camera.

The human condition is isolated.

Dead on the spot.

Fortunately, these views do not exhaust the meaning of the posthuman.