MEETING 17/2/98 


we are talking about the nature of callaboration 

the talking process is organic 

I like to walk out and switch off 

papers go back to the studio 

others are going the other way creating fiction 

discussion group just sit around and talk maybe if   

this proves we exist 

we are a discussion group and that is it 

you sound disappointed 

I never wanted media-space to disappear  

don’t those things just have to happen a workable group 

we go through re-inventions things out grow there usefulness 

it needs to change things were forced 

need honesty amongst ourselves 

elevating away from practice interested in group activity 

everyday there is something to choose from 

we can talk about these things 

we take it seriously 

we need to put that time in 

the festival happens once a year there is a different level of discussion 

relationship between art and craft, disco to rothko,  

we are out there 

turned theory in to practice 

you work on that level if we are talking about rigorous  

seeing a dated period that has gone 60 70 minimalist 

it doesn’t happen here it doesn’t happen here it is very disjointed 

grabbing bit size chunks 

I am not the flavor of the month taste selecting works of meaningful art work in Perth 

documentation influenced my work  


11.2.98 / 25.2.98 / 4.3.98



Terminus = Paul Thomas Mark Cypher Dave Carson Theo Koning Alex Spremberg Virgina Ward Tim Maslin