material perfection"
we talk about it later"
rover has nothing to do with minimal art"
it is not in that category"
work that could be seen to be minimalist"
the people are blindfolded"
twisted language"
"related by visuals
related by visuals"
boat in a minimalist show"
photograph friends studios"
this is a bit the same for a tax deduction"
what could we buy to make this beautiful"
its a great catalogue"
it is wonderful to have that work in Perth"
me and rover thomas have a lot in common"
karls asks more question"
after the seduction "
Meta_Guest has arrived.
we are talking about karls show"
gallery spaces"
the rigour that we promised ourselves"
there is an intensity"
we talk about geoderma"
the video let me down"
Meta_Guest says, "an interesting play with space both internal and external public and private"
There were barking dogs there were trees the images"
if you heard the sound tape it would explain it"
"dialogue about mining"
western australia is built up on mining"
the acoustics were bad"
Meta_Guest says, "mining the earth and bodies is problematic does geoderma support or criticise these practices"
how the brain absorbs information"
putting text on the wall"
Meta_Guest says, " The perceptions are further sharpened by the digital video and audio work as the explorer snatches tokens of synchronous sound and image, tokens not placed there by design but identified by the viewers predisposition to do so. and dirt within the membrane of the painting reciprocal similarities"
the meaning is in the work geoderma the meaning is not in the work"
groups of images that are directly related"
it was meant to be about representation"
the head was made in wax"
the work crossed back and forward through history"
Meta_Guest says, " there seemed to be a similarity between chance effects between the installation of the video and the paintings in situ"
it was anatomy"
Meta_Guest says, "i would tend to agree perhaps dave could have been meaner in its criticism"
theo thinks it glorified mining"
this cut in half foetus"
one is taking a foetus and looking at the inside of the body"
you could have taken a mining promotion and played it against aboriginal discussion could not help but see it as a parody"
the heavy handed nature is bought out in the film"
it does not challenge me (karls)"
cross over of language"
it is not is perfect"
putting all these elements together in one gallery space is then trying to install the work"
I didn't get the juxtaposition of the mining"
how can humans perceive the world"
the history of 3D"
We would have played the tape"
familiar with the work"
there is something to do with time"
it doesn't have to be on the cutting edge"
it should astonish you"
intimidated by the work"


11.2.98 /18.2.98/ 4.3.98







