MEETING 9.9.97  


deleuze and guattari

is this to much the writing is too dense in that all the world and more is written about


Not commodification, but the "decoded flows" of cynical power. Not corporeality, but "bodies without organs." Not heads, but "abstract machines of faciality." Not panoptic space, but perspectival simulacra. Not rhetoric, but the axiomatic regime of "Order-Words" as the basis of the rhetoric machine. And not the theatre of representational power, but a cynical and fully relational power that functions in the liquid language of "networking." [1]


are they saying is that language is cynical that the function or

power in the language of words or are so abstract that the power may be cynical

liquid doubling of fear is the fear of falling back into the body with dead organs.

solution as two states at one time being in the fluid

having a bases of a language and body, heeds towards a transcendence by reducing these bases

where can you position yourself , to be able to keep a perspective

schiz language,

the man is see in neitchian ideology

whereas the women is seen as ryzomatic womanly nomads therefore the female is reinvented in there re enchantment of bodily desire

is reconstructed far to close to corporate consumerism.

a new corporeal materialism is linked with a new consumerist materialism, there are no walls

Their theory is a technology machine: writing without a body, for a theory machine where thought is brought under the regulatory sign of the "axiomatic." Brains too are decoded, vision decontextualized, philosophy without a tradition for machinic bodies without organs.[2]


what is our loss

the sub cultures which sought to subvert a new materialism only in the end begins to prop it up.

if desire and fear is so closely linked together is the no longer the possibility of rupture.

without the ground to reposition where do you rebuild


repositioning by mutating the predicates of existence into conditions of preservation, but there is a ceaseless transformation of the predicates of existence , the deterritororialisation and reterritorialization of codes, into autonomous conditions of social transformation.


thought through the material

when you start to look at why are these things are constructed it may be to destructive for many it may be to much you may have nothing left


1.Arthur Kroker, Deleuze and Guattari: Two Meditations 2.Ibid








Meeting 27.8.97 / Meeting 3.9.97 /

Terminus = Paul Thomas Mark Cypher David Carson Brian Mckay Jeff Jones Barbara Bolt Theo Koning Jeremy Blank Alex Spremberg




