FEAR (The Forum for Electronic Arts Research)
FEAR (The Forum for Electronic Arts Research) is a cross institutionalforum.
Electronic media massages our everyday lives and structures our work environments. Simultaneously global and intimate in reach, it is now the organising locus of contemporary practices, ideologies and ideation. This is why the thematic focus of the FEAR forums is to interrogate not only issues of difference but also to explore the nature of forums and their means of. FEAR, through a series of forums, will examine concepts of difference whilst also focusing on the notions of the forums within an electronic age. The forum will include key note and specialist speakers, along with generous opportunities for the open discussion of current ideologies and theories in the arts. This series of electronic arts research forums will address issues relevant to the current research/innovation agenda in the arts. We are developing within Perth a culture of discussion within in the area of Electronic arts to be transmitted to the broader community both nationally and internationally. FEAR Committee Paul Thomas (Director, Studio for Electronic Arts, School of Art, Curtin University of Technology) instigated a series of Forums for Electronic Arts Research (FEAR) in collaboration with
Tags: BEAP, dissemination, Electronic Arts, ideologies