Matthew Perkins: Increasing Scholarship of Australian Video and Performance Art through Internet-Based Databases.
Video and performance art are highly visible in contemporary art and artists, curators, students and academics at all educational levels are responding to this trend through their own work. The difficulty in Australia is that there is very little access
to historic and contemporary Australian video and performance art so students and academics find themselves looking overseas for inspiration.
The Australian Video Art Archive (AVAA) was founded in 2006. The aim of the archive is to provide an on-line educational hub which showcases new and historical Australian video and performance art works in the form of a database. These works can be viewed on-line or rented for educational, research and exhibition purposes. The lack of knowledge of Australian
video and performance art is predominantly due to the scarcity and fragility of documentation but we have found that this documentation can be collected, archived and disseminated.
This paper will summarise the development of the AVAA highlighting key works in the database. The AVAA will have enormous benefits for curatorial practice and scholarship by contributing to the understanding of this important contemporary art genre.