Vital Signs
Extract from Call for papers
Conference Director: Lyndal Jones
Ten years after the heady days of Paul Keating’s Creative Nation, where multimedia became the focus for cultural and industrial innovation, there is n
ow a prevailing notion that new technology has not fulfilled the promise of transforming Australia
into leaders in either information tech-nology or new media.
The recent announcement by the Australia Council that it was dismantling the New Media Arts Board seemed, to the artists who identify themselves as New Media artists, as a betrayal of their cultural contribution over the last decade. At the same time, the ephemeral nature of the digital work that has already been created and the lack of strategies for its conservation means that the new media cultural heritage is under threat of simply disappearing.
Vital Signs is the next event in a series of annual conferences presented by RMIT University, School of Creative Media ( This year’s conference will focus on the urgent issues for New Media artists relating to both our future and our past. We are interested in bringing together the key players of new media art to discover – collectively – new ways forward. We are interested in reading the Vital Signs.
Vital Signs will feature presentations by selected speakers who are at the cutting edge of their fields. We also look forward to inviting conference papers and artworks from practising artists, academics and cultural theorists across the whole range of disciplines that are encompassed by their use of new media – including photography, writing, film, video, animation, games, interactive media, installations, music, performance and visual art. Most particularly we are interested in the works of artists who regard themselves as exclusively New Media artists.