‘showing off’ a new media exhibition
curated by Daniel Kojta
Exhibition runs: Friday 7 August to Sunday 20 September 2009
Venue: Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, 70-78 Keppel St, Bathurst, NSW
Bathurst Regional Art Gallery (BRAG) is pleased to present Showing Off, a large-scale New Media survey exhibition curated by one of Australia’s most exciting emerging curators, Daniel Kojta.
In 2008 BRAG was one of only three galleries to receive an Arts NSW grant under their Emerging Curators Pilot Program. BRAG invited Daniel Kojta, an artist and curator based in Wentworth Falls, to develop a New Media exhibition which would showcase emerging and established, regional and metropolitan artists.
Artists in Showing Off are:
Keith Armstrong, Ella Barclay, Kirsten Bradley, Cash Brown, Ben Denham, Leah Heiss, Soda_Jerk, Janice Kuczkowski, Alexandra Gillespie & Somaya Langley, Sofie Loizou, Jordana Maisie, Peter Newman, David O’Donoghue, Jasper Streit & Rene Christen, Justene Williams.
This visually and intellectually engaging exhibition will demonstrate diverse trends within current New Media Art including wearable technology, locative media and video arts says Curator Daniel Kojta.
While referencing both obsolete and cutting edge technologies, Showing Off will offer regional and metropolitan audiences a unique experience of New Media Art.
Tags: New Media Art