SameDifference Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth 2004
SameDifference has been chosen as the theme for BEAP 04 in order to explore the collapse of difference in a world increasingly mediated by technology.
Why should we be interested in difference? The concept of difference brings with it demarcation lines – be they technological, cultural and/or social. The loss ot difference—that which had previously been unique—through the dissemination of content throughout our increasingly digitised world represents a paradigm shift in how we define ourselves—both spatially and ontologically.
Technology is converting human experience into data streams at everquickening rates. And yet we still seem reluctant to let go of our analogue or ‘old world’ ways of visualising both ourselves and the world around us. It is this dichotomy that the exhibitions and conferences presented as part of BEAP 04 will be exploring and interpreting in celebrating the complex relationships between the virtual and the real.
I welcome you to BEAP 04 and to the challenging and exciting world of SAMEDIFFERENCE.
Director Paul Thomas
Reviews Realtime