Ross Rudesch Harley: Open Learning Networks in Media Arts Education
The explosive growth of knowledge in the 21st century has placed a unique set of pressures on many institutions, and in particular, on those that generate, analyse, sort and disseminate information. While the public looks to universities as places where world’s-best practice in knowledge management is employed, these same universities are in danger of being overwhelmed – not only by the increase in knowledge, but by the just-as-rapid multiplication in techniques for capturing, exploring, and distributing this knowledge. I want to suggest that closed “Virtual Learning Environments” are not the best solution for digital-media arts education. Instead, I argue that external “user-centric web services” should be allowed to flow into the university web systems. In this way students and teachers increase their participation in the broader production (and critique) of knowledge in the media arts and other disciplines
Tags: abstract, information, media arts, university, Virtual