Archive for September, 2009

Digital Archiving

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

Media art is continually re-delineating its definitions of materials and contexts within the new modalities in which it op


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a commitment to engage with emerging technologies, analysing how they affect all areas within the

arts and in turn other disciplines. The development of inter and trans-disciplinary approaches across these areas is increasingly paving the way for participation in the science, culture and technology industries

Audio interview with Garth Paine

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

Audio interview

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Garth Paine.

Garth is particularly fascinated with sound as an experiential medium, both in musical performance and as an exhibitable object. This passion has led

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to several interactive responsive environments where the inhabitant generates the sonic landscape through their presence and behaviour.


Audio interview with Ross Harley

Monday, September 21st, 2009

Dr Ross Rudesch Harley
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Interview with Brogan Bunt

Monday, September 21st, 2009
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Associate Professor Brogan Bunt

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Media Art Congress archive

Monday, September 7th, 2009 generic viagra


Media Art Scoping Study Symposium

MASS Study Keynote

MASS Symposium Program

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