Mike Leggett: Managing Multiple Media
Friday, August 23rd, 2002RealTime Education Feature: Mike Leggett is a curator and artist currently teaching Media Arts at UTS.
RealTime Education Feature: Mike Leggett is a curator and artist currently teaching Media Arts at UTS.
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Teaching in a Digital Domain, developed by Paul Thomas Director of BEAP in collaboration with the Forum for Electronic Arts Research (FEAR) Australian Council of Universities of Art and Design Schools (ACUADS) in collaboration with the Australian National Council of Creative Arts (ANCCA).
Technology Park Function Centre
Saturday 10th August 2002
John Curtin Gallery Bankwest theatre
Sunday 11th August 2002
This two-day electronic arts education forum will address issues relevant to the current research/innovation agenda in the arts.
It will be based on an open discussion of current pedagogies and future possibilities of spatial practices in the arts. Teaching practices in the new digital domain and the challenges it presents to the arts will be examined in a forum that brings together electronic arts lecturers from various convergent disciplines along with international speakers.
The forum will look at ongoing strategies for future collaborations between institutions within this area. These collaborations will be to define discipline research strategies that will explore the role of the new digital technology in framing research goals within the arts.
Teaching in a Digital Domain Forum for Electronic Arts Research (FEAR) Australian Council of Universities of Art and Design Schools (ACUADS) in collaboration with the Australian National Council of Creative Arts (ANCCA).Electronic media massages our everyday lives and structures our work environments. Simultaneously global and intimate in reach, it is now the organising locus of contemporary practices, ideologies and consciousness. This is why the thematic focus of the inaugural Biennale for Electronic
Arts Perth (BEAP) is LOCUS.
The Biennale, through this forum, will examine the locus of electronic media in art schools, and the resulting nexus between art, science, technology and pedagogy. The forum includes key note and specialist speakers, along with generous opportunities for the open discussion of current pedagogies and future possibilities in the arts.
This two-day electronic arts education forum will address issues relevant to the current research/innovation agenda in the arts.
The forum will look at ongoing strategies for future collaborations between institutions within this area. These collaborations will be to define discipline research strategies that will explore the role of the new digital technology in framing research goals within the arts.
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The artistic, social and scientific implications of the use of biological/medical technologies for
artistic purposes.
Presented by SymbioticA: The Art and Science Collaborative Research Laboratory
& The Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Western Australia
Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts 5 August 2002.
The Aesthetics of Care? Symposium is part of the Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth (BEAP) 2002.
The catalogue for the Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth was designed by Milton Andrews Square Peg Design.