I offer a very critical account of technology and of technology 's impact on the world. I'm not the only one to do this – everybody speaks of technology in this way. But now having reconsidered technology … I'm beginning to formulate another hypothesis … In other words, there's a difference of vision. Let's say that the rather critical or pejorative vision of technology represents a first position.Now, from a second position, I'm more interested in seeing technology as an instrument of magic … Up to now I think that technology has been analysed in too realistic a way … it has been typecast as a medium of alienation and depersonalisation. That's what we've done, and that's what we're continuing to do in analyses of virtual reality – it's possible to continue forever in this sort of direction.
But I sense now that a sort of reversal of focus is taking place … I'll always continue to offer a radically critical analysis of media and technology – one's obliged to do this. But it's also necessary to identify another sort of analysis – a more subtle form of analysis than that one.
– Jean Baudrillard (Paris, 4 June, 1993) |
INTRODUCTION: Contemplating Electronic Arts
PETER ANDERSON – Tim Gruchy: Electronic Media Art, Popular Culture and the Experimental Avant-Garde
ARF ARF Interviewed by Nicholas Zurbrugg
ROS BANDT Technology in Australian Sound Installations: Three Recent Approaches
WARREN BURT Installation at Experimenta: Fighting the “So-What” Factor in Electronic Art
WARREN BURT Thoughts on Physicality and Interaction in Current Electronic Music and Art
WARREN BURT Collaborating with Amanda Stewart- Interviewed by Nicholas Zurbrugg
PETER CALLAS Interviewed by Nicholas Zurbrugg
SUSAN CHARLTON – Six Degrees of Freedom: Apres Orlan
HENRI CHOPIN – Concerning Chris Mann
JOHN CONOMOS – Rethinking Australian Video in the Nineties
GRAHAM COULTER SM TH – Exploring the Technological Other: Robyn Stacey and Rosemary Laing
t – Texture – Gesture
LINDA DEMENT – Interviewed by Glenda Nalder
LINDA DEMENT The Tales of Typhoid Mary Strip #4
LYN GALLACHER Of Course: A Grammatical Tech Check
ERIC GIDNEY & TONI ROBERTSON Computer Communications for Visual Designers
JOHN GILLIES Interviewed by Nicholas Zurbrugg
JAMES HARLEY & SHIRALEE SAUL A.I.P.: An Installation Publication
LEIGH HOBBA 'Between the glaze and the surface' – Five Uneasy Fragments
BETH JACKSON – Self-Inscription in the Work of Doppio Teatro, Tracey Moffatt and Linda Dement: An Interpretation of Feminist Use of Technology according to Deleuze's Writings on Masochism
ANNE KIRKER – Bashir Baraki and Pat Hoffie: Extending the Vernacular of Prints
FELONIUS KRANK The Snuff-Jazz Conspiracy
BRIAN LANGER Video Art and the Australian International Video Festival
BRIAN LANGER – Chronology of the Australian International Video Festival
ANNE MARSH Bad Futures: Performing the Obsolete Body
MARTIN Hold Back the Dawn: Notes on the Position of Experimental Film in Australia 1993
ANDREW MCLENNAN A Brief Topography of Australian Sound Art and Experimental Broadcasting
CATHIE PAYNE Visible Spaces, Electronic Records: John Conomos and Tracey Moffatt
SIMON PENNY Working in Electronic Media
TONI ROSS – Portrait of the Artist as Photocopier: Jane Richens
SAM SCHOENBAUM – The Electronic Paws of Jill Scott
JILL SCOTT Paradise Tossed
BILL SEAMAN The Emergence of New Electronic Forms in Australian Art – Rodney Berry. John Colette, Linda Dement, Phillip George, Joyce Hinterding, Jon McCormack, Stelarc, VNS Matrix
ZOE SOFIA Technoscientific Poeisis: Joan Brassil, Joyce Hinterding, Sarah Waterson
STELARC – Interviewed by Martin Thomas: “Just Beaut to Have Three Hands”
URSZULA SZULAKOWSKA – Rose Farrell and George Parkin: Art History and “Primitivism” in Contemporary Australian Performance Photography
DAVID TAFLER – Does the Outback Represent the Centre? Tracing Electronic Art Tracks across Australia
VNS MATRIX AND VIRGINIA BARRATT – Interviewed by Bernadette Flynn
LINDA WALLACE 2000 Thunderstorms: Joyce Hinterding
JOHN WALLER – Interviewed by Nicholas Zurbrugg
LARRY WENDT Sentient Percussion: Ernie Althoff's Music Machines
ADAM WOLTER “So you want to be a computer artist”?